Unigraph Philosophy/A First Encyclopedia of Unigraph

A First Encyclopedia of Unigraph, Vol.VIII, Preface.

graphy& 2021. 6. 16. 16:34

Homage to J.L.B


We owe the discovery of Qwerqy to the conjunction of a Pólya urn and a script of Jorge Luis Borges. The Pólya urn had troubled the numeric order of colored balls in the urn placed in the depths of Seoul Forest; the script is fallaciously called “Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius” and is a pirate version popped up from Google search, thus leaving us to uncertainty regarding its authenticity (we shall never know). The event took certain amount of time ago depending on when you are reading this letter. Niq had had dinner with us that evening and we became lengthily engaged in a vast statistic composition of Dirichlet distributions, while leisurely walking around lush of green in Seoul forest. From the remote depths of the forest, we felt something spied on us. We discovered (such a discovery is inevitable in the deep forest as it was) that there was something monstrous lurking in the darkness. Its dimly lit edge lured us to examine it and soon we conjectured it is an urn. Then Niq recalled that one of the heresiarchs of Pólya had created such urn “that contains x white and y black balls; one ball is drawn randomly from the urn and its color observed; it is then returned in the urn, and an additional ball of the same color is added to the urn, and the selection process is repeated.” I asked him the origin of this memorable observation and he answered that it was reproduced in Wikipedia. Thus again we fall into the fallacy of perpetual uncertainty on accuracy of the information obtained from the vast web of internet.


The consequence of the conjunction of Pólya and any script of Jorge Luis Borges, but particularly those abstruse lines relating of the great Library, is to turn Seoul Forest into a random forest with a seemingly-unspecified number of decision trees. Some theorists still maintain that control can be exerted over the hyperparameters of the random forest thus created, however, no such theorists have yet returned from their projected model. Perhaps in future there will be such a theorist as can traverse the multitude of branching possibilities that make up the random forest, face a probability wherein their theories are successful, and yet return to tell us of their glory. Insofar as we have observed, the only event correlated with any random forest created from Seoul Forest is to change the possibility of drawing a green ball from the Pólya urn – this has given rise to a cult wherein worshippers eat strawberries and sip aether on the principle that correlation is, if not causation itself, at the very least closely related through matrilineal lines.